The services subject to this service contract are provided by PINEAPP S.r.l., with registered office in Imola, via Callegherie n. 27 and operational office in Imola, via Appia n. 31, registered with the Bologna Chamber of Commerce under number REA BO-553165, tax code and VAT number 03880931203, hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier".


The Supplier can be contacted by phone at +39 0542/080785 or by email at info@pineappsrl.com or cinzia@pineappsrl.com.


1.1 These Terms and Conditions of Use indicate, in clear and easy-to-understand language, the terms and conditions to be applied to the use of the Cinzia application by all users who access it and use its services.1.2 All users, before using the services provided by Cinzia and proceeding with the purchase of subscriptions, are invited to carefully read these Terms and Conditions of Use and the Service Contract.1.3 By accessing the Cinzia application, as well as by purchasing and using the services, the user declares to have read and expressly accepted these Terms and Conditions of Use and the Service Contract. In any case, such behavior by the user implies the implicit acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Service Contract and subsequent updates.


2.1 PINEAPP S.r.l. reserves the right to unilaterally and at any time modify the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Service Contract, communicating to users the changes made.2.2 Such communication may be made, at the discretion of the Supplier, by email to the email address provided by the user at the time of their first access, by notice visible through the application or by any means that ensures the communication is made known. Users are required to periodically check for any changes made to these Terms and Conditions of Use.2.3 PINEAPP S.r.l. also reserves the right to modify, improve and/or delete the features of the application at any time and unilaterally, without this entitling users to compensation.


3.1 PINEAPP S.r.l. is the exclusive owner of the contents of the Cinzia application, including, but not limited to, its architecture, source codes, texts, documents, images, logos, photographs, page layout, design, know-how and graphic interfaces.
3.2 Therefore, the user cannot use, copy, reproduce, distribute, publish or in any way exploit any feature, functionality, tool or content of the application, in any form or by any means, except as expressly provided by these Terms and Conditions of Use.
3.3 No content of the application may be considered or interpreted as granted in license or as subject to any other right of use by Users and/or third parties.


4.1 Cinzia is a conversational AI that provides output based on user input; input and output together are considered "content". By accessing the application, the user has the option to use Cinzia's chat in "free entry" mode or to purchase one of the subscription services in basic, plus, and professional modes.4.2 The Cinzia application allows the user to save the created chats and delete them at any time using the "delete" function.


5.1 In order to access Cinzia and use its services, the user must have an active Internet connection on their own device (the costs associated with Internet usage depend on the rates in effect with the user's Internet service provider).5.2 Access to Cinzia and use of its services are exclusively allowed to individuals over the age of fourteen who have accepted the Terms and Conditions of Use, have read and accepted the information on the processing of personal data, and have provided their date of birth, indicating an age of over 14 years.


6.1 Registration to Cinzia allows users to create their own personal account, by providing their personal email address or accessing through their Google account.6.2 The email address entered during registration must correspond to the person who will use the services offered by Cinzia.6.3 The user receives an email - at the provided email address - containing a link to access their personal account. The application does not require the creation and use of passwords for accessing and using Cinzia, as it is based on a "password-less" security standard, which encrypts accesses and makes them anonymous with a combination of two security keys.
6.4 During registration, the user is asked to accept these Terms and Conditions of Use, confirm that they have read the Privacy Policy, and provide consent to the processing of personal data where required. The user must also enter their date of birth, which will be verified by PINEAPP S.r.l to ensure that the user is over 14 years old. 6.5 Each user is directly responsible for any activity carried out using their own account and is obliged to inform PINEAPP S.r.l of any unauthorized or abusive use of their account. PINEAPP S.r.l cannot be held responsible in any way for any damages suffered by the User as a result of unauthorized or abusive use of their account by third parties. 6.6 In case of issues related to the account, the user can contact PINEAPP S.r.l by sending an email to cinzia@pineappsrl.com.


7.1 By accepting the Terms and Conditions of Use, the user:Confirms under their own responsibility to be over 14 years old;Confirms to have provided their personal email address in order to register to the application and create their own personal account, and to have consented to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of using the services provided by Cinzia;Guarantees that the information provided to PINEAPP S.r.l is correct and truthful. If the information provided by the user is found to be incorrect and/or untruthful, PINEAPP S.r.l reserves the unconditional right to prevent the creation and/or delete the account without any justification and to prohibit access to the application by users.Users who have been prevented access to the application for the aforementioned reasons are forbidden from creating a new account;The user agrees to use the application solely for the purposes for which it was created, namely to access the services offered;The user refrains from carrying out the following activities: modifying the application and/or creating derivative works based on the application itself; circumventing the computer systems used by PINEAPP S.r.l or its licensors to protect the content accessible through them; violating intellectual property rights, personal data protection, as well as any other rights of third parties.
7.2 Each user is responsible for their use of the application and the information they enter into their account.
7.3 The user agrees to comply with the Usage Policies of Cinzia contained in Annex 1 of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
7.4 In case of disputes by third parties regarding any data, content or conduct carried out by the user through the use of the application, the user assumes full responsibility, both towards third parties and towards PINEAPP S.r.l.
7.5 Users have the right to report any issues related to the operation or use of the application to PINEAPP S.r.l by sending an email to cinzia@pineappsrl.com.

8.1 PINEAPP S.r.l provides no warranty and declines all responsibility, to the extent permitted by law, for any direct or indirect damages that may arise for the user or third parties from the use or inability to use the application for reasons not attributable to it.
8.2 PINEAPP S.r.l. does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the outputs provided by the chatbot and will not be held responsible for any incorrect or defamatory information provided by the chatbot, as they depend on many factors, such as the formulation of the question, the presence or absence of information on the web, the correctness of the information on the web and the possibility of homonymy. By using the chat, the user is aware that the contents returned by the chat may be incorrect or untrue, defined as hallucinations.Such contents can also be reiterated insistently by the chat. Therefore, the user is responsible for verifying the accuracy, reliability, and usability of the contents returned by the chat, and assumes full responsibility for their use. It is recommended that, for issues deemed important, the contents returned by the chat be always verified with third-party sources. Furthermore, it should be noted that the information provided by the chat is up-to-date as of 2021 and may no longer be current. However, PINEAPP S.r.l. undertakes to correct any errors or delete any information deemed defamatory as soon as possible, upon notification by the user via email to the address cinzia@pineappsrl.com. It is also specified that all information provided by the chatbot is exclusively for the use of the requesting user and cannot be used for purposes other than those for which they were provided.
8.3 PINEAPP S.r.l. will not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages or any negative consequences resulting to the user or third parties from the use of chat contents or outputs provided by the chat, in relation but not limited to the healthcare, legal or financial fields. The responsibility for the use of the contents remains fully with the user or anyone using them.
8.4 The user is responsible for the inputs entered into the chat and is obliged to verify that the inputs do not violate the rights of third parties, such as but not limited to, intellectual property rights or the personal data protection of third parties.
8.5 PINEAPP S.r.l cannot be held responsible for any errors (including material errors) and/or interruptions in the operation of the application that are not attributable to it.8.6 PINEAPP S.r.l is not liable to users for any damages resulting from the failure of electronic communication service providers, with whom users have contractual relationships, to comply with applicable legal and contractual provisions for the transmission of any signals to or from users.
8.7 Any non-waivable liability under the law shall be limited to the use of the application, with any liability for direct and/or indirect damages resulting from the conduct of users or from the abusive access and use of data by third parties expressly excluded.
8.8 PINEAPP S.r.l is not responsible for any inability to access and/or use the application that may result from Internet connection problems and/or any technical malfunctions of the application.8.9 PINEAPP S.r.l assumes no responsibility for damages, claims or losses, whether direct or indirect, arising from the non-functioning and/or faulty functioning of electronic equipment or third-party equipment, telephone and/or telematic connections not directly managed by PINEAPP S.r.l or its providers.


9.1 PINEAPP S.r.l reserves the right to modify, suspend, or interrupt, in whole or in part, the application at any time, even without prior notice.
9.2 Examples of reasons for modification, suspension or interruption include but are not limited to: lack of internet connection on the user's device, malfunctioning of servers or services provided by third-party providers and other electronic devices not part of the internet network, malfunctioning of installed software, computer viruses, as well as actions by hackers or other users who have access to the network.
9.3 PINEAPP S.r.l will inform users of any suspensions and/or interruptions of the application through communications to the email used during the registration phase.


10.1 The User may deactivate their account and terminate the use of the services in the "free entry" mode at any time, for any reason, by sending an email to cinzia@pineappsrl.com.10.2 For the exercise of the right of withdrawal in the event that the user has purchased a basic, plus or professional subscription, the provisions of Article 4 of the Service Contract shall apply.

Available here

10.3 Following the exercise of the right of withdrawal, PINEAPP S.r.l will deactivate the user's personal account and delete all personal data registered and chat contents, except for the data that it is required to keep in compliance with legal obligations.


11.1 PINEAPP S.r.l. may deactivate the user's personal account if the user violates the Terms of Use of Cinzia, which the user accepted at the time of first registration.
11.2 PINEAPP S.r.l. will send the communication of termination and deactivation of the user's personal account via email to the email address provided by the user at the time of first access.
11.3 Following the exercise of the right of withdrawal, PINEAPP S.r.l will deactivate the user's personal account and delete all personal data registered and chat contents, except for the data that it is required to keep in compliance with legal obligations.


12.1 The application complies with the current legislation on the processing of personal data. The data provided by the user are processed in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation, Reg. (EU) 2016/67) and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 ("Privacy Code"), as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018.
12.2 By selecting the "check box", the user consents to the processing of their personal data for the purposes and in the manner specified in the Privacy Policy.
12.3 The user's data will be used for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy and the specific authorizations granted by the user.


13.1 In the event that a clause or part of the Terms and Conditions of Use is deemed null, illegal or illegitimate, it shall not affect the rest of the contract and its validity and effectiveness.


14.1 The relationships between PINEAPP S.r.l. and users are governed by the law of the State where the user is resident.
For any dispute regarding this contract, given the user's consumer status, the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 shall apply, and the competent court shall be the one indicated as the user's place of residence or domicile.
14.2 For the extrajudicial resolution of disputes arising in relation to this contract, the user may use the mediation procedure provided for by Legislative Decree no. 28/2010 or use ADR bodies through the ODR platform for online dispute resolution established and managed by the European Commission, accessible through the following link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.For any information on how to use the ODR platform, the user may contact the Supplier at the following email address: cinzia@pineappsrl.com.

Terms of use

We want everyone to use our tools safely and responsibly.
That's why we've created usage policies that apply to all users of PINEAPP S.r.l.'s templates, tools, and services.
By following them, you'll ensure that our technology is used for good.
If we discover that your use of PINEAPP S.r.l.'s templates, tools, and services does not comply with these policies, we may ask you to make the necessary changes.
Repeat or serious violations may result in further action, including the suspension or closure of your account. Our policies may change as we learn more about the use and abuse of our templates.
Unauthorized use:
We do not allow the use of our templates for the following purposes:
- Individuals under the age of 14.
- Illegal activities.
- Uploading child pornography or any content that exploits or harms children.
- Generating hateful, harassing, or violent content.
- Generating content that incites racial hatred.
- Generating malware.
- Activities that pose a high risk of physical harm
- Activities that pose a high risk of economic damage
- Fraudulent or deceptive activitiesTerrorist or criminal activities
- Uploading adult content, adult industries, and dating apps
- Activities related to political campaigns or lobbying
- Activities that violate people's privacyUsing information obtained from PINEAPP S.r.l.'s services to provide legal advice
- Using information obtained from PINEAPP S.r.l.'s services to provide financial advice
- Using information obtained from PINEAPP S.r.l.'s services to provide healthcare advice or instructions on how to treat or cure a medical condition
- Using information obtained from PINEAPP S.r.l.'s services for decision-making purposes.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Terms of Use, please contact us at the email address cinzia@pineappsrl.com.

VAT: 03880931203
Via Callegherie, 27 IMOLA (BO)
Registered Office: Via Appia, 31 IMOLA (BO)
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